PhD Student Funded in The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute

  • Spain
  • Posted 1 year ago
  • Applications have closed

The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC)

Deadline: August 15, 2023

The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) is a nonprofit research institute based in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and dedicated to advancing our understanding about leukaemia and related disorders, in partnership with the University of Barcelona and University Autònoma of Barcelona. The IJC has laboratories in three clinical campuses: i) Clinic Hospital, ii) Sant Pau Hospital and iii) Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital. IJC serves as a collaborative hub for basic investigators and physicians to work together on fundamental biological and clinical aspects of leukaemia. The IJC offers an excellent work environment built around a multi-disciplinary fusion of ideas and state-of-the-art facilities.

The Buschbeck lab is looking for a motivated junior researcher to join them at the IJC head-quarters in Badalona for a 6-12 month training period with the option to continue as a PhD student.

Research Description
Intrinsic and acquired resistances are the main reason for failure of current cancer treatments. Even for the best available treatments, initial responses are limited to less than 50% of patients and virtually all responders eventually relapse and progress. The best solution to avoid and overcome resistances is the combination of multiple drugs attacking the disease from different angles.
We are looking for someone who would like to address this exciting and highly relevant problem in the context of hematologic malignancies. We will test histone variants and other chromatin regulators as potential drug targets.

The contract will be covered in parts by the Fundació La Marató de TV3, through the grant entitled ‘Explorant i explotant les variants d’histones com a dianes terapèutiques en la leucèmia mieloide aguda’ (Ref. No. 201907-30-31), the AECC through the grant entitled ‘Epigenetic re-education of the bone marrow stroma niche as a therapeutic approach for preventing blood cancer’ (PRYGN222668BUSC) and through the grant entitled ‘Enhancer regulation and nuclear metabolite sensing by histone variants’ (Ref. number PID2021-126907NB-I00) funded by the Spanish National Research Agency AEI and FEDER, UE.

For more info about the lab please check out our website:

Main responsabilities

  • Cell culture, genetic and pharmacologic perturbations.
  • Molecular biology.
  • Basic biochemistry.
  • Data analysis and interpretation.
  • Report writing.
  • BSc and MSc degree in biochemistry, biomedicine, pharmaceutical sciences, or similar with excellent grades.
  • A high-level of motivation and interest.
  • Interested in pursuing a future PhD in drug response.
  • Experience in molecular biology, biochemistry and/or cellular biology.
  • Additional work and lab expertise will be positively evaluated.
  • High level of collaborative and communicative skills.
  • High level of English speaking and writing skills (required). Spanish (helpful).
  • We highly value international mobility. We are open to applicants from all over the world.
  • 1-year trainee contract.
  • A salary that with commensurate your qualifications.
  • The International and supportive team of the Buschbeck lab.
  • The stimulating environment of the IJC and its scientific network.

Deadline for Applications:

Please submit your application by August 15th, 2023.
What makes us different?
Our mission is to investigate the epidemiological, preventive, clinical, translational, and basic aspects of leukaemia and other hematologic malignancies through innovation to cure them.
The vision of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute is to be a world-class reference and excellent research multicampus that contributes to the improvement of results, and the cure of patients affected by leukemia and other malignant hemopathies, through innovation, sustainability, social responsibility, talent, and professional experience.

HR Excellence

The  European  Commission awarded the IJC the  HR Excellence seal in July 2019. The IJC   continues to work to maintain its policies in line with the Charter and  Code principles.
This recognition reflects our commitment to continuously improving our human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The HRS4R has the main objective of ensuring that research centers of excellence implement and respect the requirements of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for hiring researchers (from here on referred to as the Charter and Code) within their human resources policies.
This EC  initiative aims to promote training, professional development, and mobility for all European scientists. The IJC supports these values and principles, which will not only serve to strengthen its internal policies but will actively stimulate excellent research and firmly situate the organization as an institution with a stimulating working environment that favors the development of its scientists.

IJC is an equal-opportunity employer.  We evaluate qualified applicants without  regard to race, color, religion, sex,   national origin, disability, and other legally protected characteristics

Job Overview
  • Career Level
  • Job by Countries
Job Location