PhD, Postdoc Positions in Complex Infrastructure Systems

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  • Posted 9 months ago
  • Applications have closed

Princeton University

Deadline: January 3, 2024

Open Positions

We are looking for highly motivated and talented applicants whose research background falls into one or more of the following three areas:

  • Network Science, e.g., spatial-temporal networks, multilayer/multiplex networks, random graph models, network dynamics, network evolution, resilience and robustness, higher-order networks, graph embedding, GraphML.

Ph.D. students

Qualifications: Students with a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science/Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or other related fields are preferred. Additionally, students with a background in the following areas: network analysis, statistical modeling, machine learning, and computational modeling are preferred. Excellent programming skills are expected. Previous experience with Python, PyTorch, or CUDA is an advantage. Strong teamwork and critical thinking skills, aptitude for independent and creative work, as well as fluent English written and presentation skills are essential. Minimum application requirements set forth by Princeton University and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering can be found here.

Application instruction: Please apply for this Ph.D. position officially through the Princeton University application portal and indicate your interests in the Civil and Environmental Engineering program and the intention of working with Dr. Hackl. Submission deadline is on January 3, 11:59 pm EST.


Qualifications: Candidates must hold a recent Ph.D. degree and first-author publications in peer-reviewed journals/conferences in the field of Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science/Engineering, Physics, Electrical Engineering, or other related fields. Additionally, candidates with a background in the following areas: network analysis, statistical modeling, machine learning, and computational modeling are preferred. Excellent programming skills are expected. Previous experience with Python, PyTorch, or CUDA is an advantage. Strong team working and critical thinking skills, aptitude for independent and creative work, as well as fluent English written and presentation skills are essential.

Application instruction: The application should include: (i) A letter of intent describing yourself, your research background and interests, and why you would be suitable for the position (max three pages); (ii) Your CV and publication list; (iii) The names and contact information of at least three references (email address and phone number); (iv) A copy of your Ph.D. certificate; (v) Any unpublished work that you would like to present in support of your application. The application should be written in English. Send your application to the following email address ( with the subject heading ”Prospective Postdoctoral Candidate <Your Name>”. Applications will be reviewed continuously until the position is filled. The successful candidate should ideally start the position as soon as possible.

Job Overview
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