NERVSPAN – MSCA European Doctoral Network

Weizmann Institute of Science and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Deadline: June 30, 2024

The teams of Meital OREN-SUISSA, (Rehovot, Israel) and Thomas BOULIN (Lyon, France) are currently each recruiting one PhD candidate.

We welcome applications from eligible candidates who hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in biology, have excellent analytical and communication skills, and are passionate about research. See below for more details about the application process.

Applications should be submitted by the end of june 2024, ideally mid-june, to provide sufficient time to schedule online interviews.

Our network will develop an integrative approach to study various aspects of neuronal physiology throughout the lifespan of males and hermaphrodite worms.

Over their development and ageing, neurons undergo dramatic morphological changes, including axonal growth, dendritogenesis, synaptogenesis, and circuit remodelling, while maintaining their identity and function. As cellular and environmental contexts vary over time in a living organism, individual cell identity and functionality need to be preserved through plasticity of intracellular molecular networks.

We will look at specific neurons at several junctures of the lifespan of C. elegans to capture the full range of cellular states that stay within the boundaries of the functional neuron’s identity versus cellular states associated with its dysfunction.

As a doctoral candidate within the NERVSPAN network, you will have the opportunity to work with leading academics and industrial partners from across Europe, gaining valuable experience in international collaboration and cutting-edge research. You will also benefit from a comprehensive training program that includes workshops, courses, and secondments, all aimed at enhancing your research and professional skills.

The NERVSPAN (2023-2028) doctoral network is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the European Union’s reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training.

What we provide

The NERVSPAN program will provide state-of-the-art training to 11 young researchers examining neuronal development and plasticity over the entire lifespan of the nematode C. elegans while also investigating the sex specific aspects of neuronal identity and function.

NERVSPAN will train 11 Doctoral Students at 7 world-renowned academic institutions and 2 companies. The nature of the programme will provide the enrolled students with strong interdisciplinary training (including, but not limited to: molecular biology, bioinformatics, high resolution microscopy, proteomics, and transcriptome profiling). The strong connections between individual research projects will generate synergies between students and participating laboratories.

Apply for a PhD at NERVSPAN

We welcome applications from candidates who hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in biology, have excellent analytical and communication skills, and are passionate about research.
The communication and teaching language throughout NERVSPAN is English.

Eligibility criteria

  • Candidates can be of any nationality
  • Candidates must hold a Master Degree or equivalent
  • Candidates must comply with MSCA mobility rules, i.e., must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date

To apply, please send your application package to the project’s Principal Investigator (PI) and (Network Coordinator).
Applications to more than one project are possible.

Application package

  • Personal statement/motivation letter (up to 2 pages) about applicant’s experience and interests.
  • A complete CV (personal details, academic/education history, research experience, experimental skills, publications, etc.)
  • If available: a Proficiency of English language skills corresponding to at least level B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Names and contact information of two qualified references.


    The selection procedure will consist of the following steps:

  • Eligibility check: A Recruitment Committee will check each application is complete and that applicants fulfil the eligibility criteria.
  • Remote Evaluation: each eligible application will be evaluated and best candidates selected.
  • Online interviews: The short-listed candidates will be interviewed by a Selection Committee that will include the recruiting PIs plus one additional consortium member.
  • Candidates, positively evaluated but not initially called for interviews, will be put on a reserve list.
  • Notification of the selection outcomes: Short-listed candidates will be informed about the outcome, and the one selected will be put in touch with the HR Department of the hosting institution to initiate the hiring procedure.
Job Overview
Job Location